“It’s almost mid-January in Mayo Florida and this is by far one of the coldest, wettest winters we’ve had in years. The chilly air seems to grow deeper by the day until 💥 POOF 💥 one day we’re just back in the 60’s or 70’s. Then another cold front moves in and the air grows cold and bitter again – that’s good ole Florida weather for us.”
With temperatures often in the 40’s and 50’s throughout the day and dipping below the 30’s in the evening in North Central Florida, you’ll find yourself spending more time indoors – probably cozying up in front of your propane-powered fireplace. Warm your family’s bellies by coming up with your favorite meals. Nothing seems to taste better than the dishes you prepare on your propane-powered cooktop this time of year than the hearty dishes you create. Below are a few of our employee’s favorite winter dishes.
Great Dinner Ideas for Any Night of the Week
Mac & Cheese
No, not that the box stuff. We live in the South folks – we make it the “good” way. We live in an ‘on-demand’ world, so luckily for you – you can find just the right recipe that suites your family’s taste. Click the button to view one of our favorite recipes.
Baked Spaghetti Pie
Kids love spaghetti, we found a simple twist on spaghetti that’s a baked pie – our kids can’t get enough! Here’s the recipe we use.
My absolute favorite, who doesn’t like chili – especially when its cold outside? With so many varieties to select from on the internet, you can try a new chili without beans or a healthier, leaner chili.
Chicken & Dumplings
Mmm… Mmmm… An All-American classic southern comfort food! Most of us can remember eating these as kids and our grandmothers making the dumplings; a perfect combo of fluffy dumplings paired with chicken soup.
Pot Pie
When I think of cold weather, I think of chicken pot pie! This old-fashioned food is super easy to make and can be made from a combination of ingredients.
Beef Stew
Nothing is heartier, more fulfilling and warms your body more on a cold day than good old-fashioned beef stew. What’s easier than slicing, dicing and throwing the ingredients into your crockpot?
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