Safety Rules
Propane is one the most efficient, cost effective and safest forms of energy when customers take care to understand how to use and manage it properly. Read the Propane Safety Rules so you recognize any warning signs and know what to do if there’s an emergency. J&J Gas Service is dedicated to assuring our customers safely enjoy the many benefits of LP Gas in their homes, businesses and on their farms.
Like all energy sources using propane safely is of the utmost importance. J&J Gas Service is dedicated to providing our customers in north central Florida with as much information on how to safely use propane and what to do in an emergency as we possibly can. The Emergency Safety or E-safety page is an interactive page complete with interactive propane safety modules to read, interact and share with everyone.
Propane Kids
Parents, educators and kids interact, learn, play and explore in the Propane Kids activity area. The games and activities in this area designed to kids between pre-K through middle school what propane is, how it’s used, the environmental benefits of propane, how to identify the smell of propane and more.